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827. What does Nicaragua-related General License (GL) 2 authorize with respect to the Nicaraguan National Police?


GL 2 authorizes the wind down of transactions involving the Nicaraguan National Police (NNP), including the processing of salary payments from the NNP to its employees, so long as no other blocked persons are involved in the transaction, through 12:01 a.m. eastern daylight time, May 6, 2020. This authorization also covers wind down transactions involving any entity in which NNP owns, directly or indirectly, a 50 percent or greater interest. 

OFAC’s designation of the NNP is directed at the NNP as an institution for the violent abuses carried out against the people of Nicaragua. The blocking sanctions apply to the NNP, as well as to the three named NNP commissioners who were designated on the same day, and not to individual, non-designated NNP police officers

Date Released
March 5, 2020