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939. What does Belarus General License 5 (GL 5), “Authorizing the Wind Down of Transactions Involving Open Joint Stock Company Belarusian Potash Company or Agrorozkvit LLC,” authorize? 


GL 5 authorizes, through 12:01a.m. eastern standard time, April 1, 2022, all transactions and activities prohibited by Executive Order (E.O.) 14038 that are ordinarily incident and necessary to the wind down of transactions involving Open Joint Stock Company Belarusian Potash Company (BPC) or Agrorozkvit LLC, or any entity in which BPC or Agrorozkvit LLC owns, directly or indirectly, individually or in the aggregate, a 50 percent or greater interest, including the wind down of such transactions in which Belaruskali OAO has a property interest (e.g., certain resale transactions by BPC or Agrorozkvit LLC of product sourced from Belaruskali OAO).  

However, GL 5 does not authorize direct transactions with Belaruskali OAO, and does not extend Belarus GL 4, which expires at 12:01 a.m. eastern standard time, December 8, 2021.  Please see FAQ 918 for further details on the scope of GL 4.  

GL 5 also does not authorize the entry into new purchase contracts, or the stockpiling of inventory, involving BPC or Agrorozkvit LLC, or any entity in which BPC or Agrorozkvit LLC owns, directly or indirectly, individually or in the aggregate, a 50 percent or greater interest, that are not ordinarily incident and necessary to the wind down of transactions.  

Date Released
December 2, 2021