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770. What types of goods and services produced by independent private sector entrepreneurs are authorized for importation into the United States from Cuba pursuant to 31 CFR § 515.582?


Pursuant to 31 CFR § 515.582, certain goods and services produced by independent private sector entrepreneurs, as defined in 31 CFR § 515.340, and as set forth in a list maintained by the State Department on its website, are authorized for importation.  Persons subject to U.S. jurisdiction may engage in associated transactions necessary to import these authorized goods and services.  The State Department Section 515.582 list provides details of the goods and services authorized for importation into the United States from Cuba pursuant to this provision.  This list references sections and chapters of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) of the United States to indicate categories of goods that are not eligible for importation into the United States pursuant to 31 CFR § 515.582, even if such goods were produced by independent private sector entrepreneurs; any other goods produced by independent private sector entrepreneurs and not covered by the listed sections and chapters of the HTS may be imported, as provided in the State Department’s Section 515.582 list and subject to compliance with all other relevant requirements under state and federal law and regulations.  Imports authorized by 31 CFR § 515.582 are not subject to the limitations set forth in 31 CFR § 515.560(c) or 31 CFR § 515.544, including the $100 limitation on imported merchandise from Cuba or Cuban-origin merchandise from a third country intended as gifts.  For additional information, please see FAQ 1178.

Updated: May 28, 2024

Date Released
November 8, 2017