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731. What type of cargo may a person authorized to provide carrier services transport from Cuba to the United States?


Under the CACR, an authorized traveler departing Cuba for the United States may carry as accompanied baggage:

  • For persons subject to U.S. jurisdiction, Cuban-origin items for personal use only, as authorized by 31 CFR § 515.560(c) (3). Please note that, as of September 24, 2020, this authorization no longer applies to Cuban-origin alcohol or tobacco products.
  • For foreign nationals, Cuban-origin items, provided that such goods are not in commercial quantities, are not imported for resale, and do not include Cuban-origin alcohol or tobacco products as authorized by 31 CFR § 515.569. 
  • For all travelers, goods produced by Cuban entrepreneurs as authorized by 31 CFR § 515.582 and the State Department’s Section 515.582 List.
  • For a traveler who left the United States for Cuba and is now returning to the United States, any items the traveler temporarily exported to Cuba pursuant to a BIS authorization.

Additionally, persons authorized to provide carrier services may transport from Cuba to the United States cargo, other than accompanied baggage, the importation of which has been authorized by general or specific license from OFAC, subject to obtaining any additional authorization(s) that may be required by any other relevant U.S. government agency.

The importation of Cuban-origin information and informational materials, as defined in section 515.332 of the CACR, is exempt from the prohibitions of the CACR. Imports authorized by OFAC would still be subject to other U.S. laws, such as import duties.


Date Released
September 23, 2020