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662. What does General License 3I authorize with respect to Government of Venezuela debt, and what are the implications for U.S. and non-U.S. persons?


General License 3I (GL 3I) authorizes U.S. persons to engage in all transactions related to, the provision of financing for, and other dealings in the bonds specified in the Annex to GL 3I (GL 3I Bonds) that would be prohibited by subsection 1(a)(iii) of Executive Order (E.O.) 13808 or by E.O. 13850, each as amended by E.O. 13857, or by E.O. 13884, as collectively incorporated into the Venezuela Sanctions Regulations, 31 CFR part 591 (the VSR).  The authorization in GL 3I includes, for example, engaging in transactions related to the receipt and processing of interest or principal payments, and acting as a custodian for U.S. and non-U.S. persons’ holdings in GL 3I Bonds.  GL 3I also authorizes divestment of the GL 3I Bonds, including, on or after October 18, 2023, to other U.S. persons.

Paragraph (b) of GL 3I authorizes all transactions prohibited by subsection 1(a)(iii) of E.O. 13808 or by E.O. 13850, each as amended by E.O. 13857, or by E.O. 13884, that are ordinarily incident and necessary to facilitating, clearing, and settling trades of holdings in the GL 3I Bonds, provided such trades were placed prior to 4:00 p.m. eastern standard time on February 1, 2019; this authorization aims to ensure that trades that were placed prior to February 1, 2019, are allowed to settle in the ordinary course.

Paragraph (d) of GL 3I authorizes all transactions related to, the provision of financing for, and other dealings in bonds that were issued both (i) prior to August 25, 2017 (the effective date of E.O. 13808), and (ii) by U.S. person entities owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by the Government of Venezuela, other than PDV Holding, Inc., CITGO Holding, Inc., and any of their subsidiaries, that would be prohibited by E.O. 13808 or E.O. 13850, each as amended, or by E.O. 13884.

Date Updated: October 18, 2023

Date Released
May 12, 2020