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538. Does OFAC aggregate ownership stakes of all entities subject to Directive 4 when determining whether a project is 33 percent or more owned by a person subject to Directive 4, or whether a person subject to Directive 4 owns a majority of the voting interests in a project?


Yes. The prohibition of subsection 2 of Directive 4 applies to projects owned 33 percent or more in the aggregate by one or more Directive 4 SSI entities, their property, and their interests in property, including entities owned 50 percent or more by one or more persons determined to be subject to Directive 4. The prohibition also applies to projects in which one or more Directive 4 SSI entities, their property, or their interests in property own an aggregated majority of the voting interests. Accordingly, if two SSI entities listed under Directive 4 each hold a 20 percent ownership interest in Project X, or together own a majority of the voting interests in the project, then the prohibition of subsection 2 of Directive 4 applies to Project X.

Date Released
October 31, 2017