314 | Office of Foreign Assets Control
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314. Can an exporter of agricultural commodities, food, medicine, or medical devices get paid out of a Central Bank of Iran (CBI) account at a foreign financial institution (FFI) in a country with a significant reduction exception, even though the exporter is located in a third-country? Can the third-country exporter’s bank handle this transaction?


Yes. So long as the transaction does not involve a designated individual or entity, banks on the Part 561 List located on OFAC’s website, or otherwise proscribed conduct, such transactions are not sanctionable under U.S. law. Furthermore, there is no requirement under U.S. law that agricultural commodities, food, medicine, or medical devices be routed through the country with the significant reduction exception.

Such a payment mechanism is not the exclusive mechanism for the purchase of agricultural commodities, food, medicine, or medical devices under U.S. law. Other options include receiving payment from a third-country account of the CBI or a non-designated Iranian financial institution.

The Department of the Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control regulations describe the exception for transactions relating to agricultural commodities, food, medicine, or medical devices in 31 CFR § 561.203(g) and Note 2 to 51 CFR § 561.203. Additional information and clarifying guidance about humanitarian assistance and related exports to the Iranian people can be found in the Clarifying Guidance document.

Date Released
June 3, 2013