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258. What is meant by the TRA section 504’s requirement that bilateral trade consist of trade in goods and services between the country with primary jurisdiction over the foreign financial institution (FFI) and Iran?


OFAC interprets bilateral trade between Iran and the country with primary jurisdiction over the FFI to mean trade in only those goods or services originating in (e.g., produced in or substantially transformed in) –

(i) the country with primary jurisdiction over the FFI conducting or facilitating the transaction, or
(ii) Iran (for purposes of the import of Iranian-origin goods or services by the country with primary jurisdiction over the FFI),

and the trade in services cannot include brokering transactions involving goods or services from or to third countries.

Furthermore, the goods or services must be exported and sold directly to either the country with primary jurisdiction over the FFI (in the case of Iranian-origin goods or services), or Iran (in the case of goods or services originating in the country with primary jurisdiction over the FFI).

The Humanitarian Exception is not impacted by section 504’s bilateral trade limitations (see FAQ 265).

Date Released
February 6, 2013