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192. Why was this authority needed?


Executive Order 13608 expands Treasury’s ability to address the behavior of foreign persons determined to have violated or attempted to violate U.S. sanctions on Syria or Iran, or to have facilitated deceptive transactions on behalf of persons subject to those sanctions, where the foreign person had no physical, financial, or other presence in the United States and did not submit to U.S. administrative proceedings. Treasury may use this authority where it appears that a foreign person violated U.S. sanctions on Iran or Syria but may not meet criteria for designation under existing Executive Orders. Executive Order 13608 will provide a means through which Treasury can limit the risk to U.S. commercial and financial systems posed by foreign persons determined to have violated U.S. sanctions on Iran or Syria, or to have engaged in deceptive transactions for or on behalf of persons subject to U.S. sanctions on Iran or Syria.

Such a listing under Executive Order 13608 also provides Treasury with the capability to put the world on notice as to such foreign persons’ activity and the risk of similar future activity. Such identification will help prevent U.S. persons from unwittingly engaging in transactions with foreign persons that may pose a risk of sanctions violations.

Date Released
May 1, 2012