Sign up for Syria-Related Sanctions e-mail updates.IMPORTANT ADVISORIES AND INFORMATION:Guidance for the Provision of Humanitarian Assistance to Syria (August 08, 2023)Frequently Asked QuestionsOFAC has compiled hundreds of frequently asked questions (FAQs) about its sanctions programs and related policies. The link below sends the user to the entire list of OFAC's FAQs.OFAC Frequently Asked QuestionsInterpretive GuidanceOFAC issues interpretive guidance on specific issues related to the sanctions programs it administers. These interpretations of OFAC policy are sometimes published in response to a public request for guidance or may be released proactively by OFAC in order to address a complex topic.Guidance on the Provision of Certain Services Relating to the Requirements of U.S. Sanctions Laws (January 12, 2017)Index of Interpretative GuidanceApplying for a Specific OFAC LicenseIt may be in your and the U.S. government's interest to authorize particular economic activity related to the Syria-related Sanctions. Visit the link below to apply for an OFAC license.Apply for an OFAC License Online - Authorization from OFAC to engage in a transaction that otherwise would be prohibitedGeneral LicensesOFAC issues general licenses in order to authorize activities that would otherwise be prohibited with regard to Syria-related Sanctions. General licenses allow all US persons to engage in the activity described in the general license without needing to apply for a specific license.Syria-related General License 1 - Official Business of the United States Government (October 14, 2019)Archive of Expired and Revoked General LicensesLegal Framework for Syria-Related SanctionsThe Syria-Related Sanctions program represents the implementation of multiple legal authorities. Some of these authorities are in the form of an executive order issued by the President. Other authorities are public laws (statutes) passed by The Congress. These authorities are further codified by OFAC in its regulations which are published in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). Modifications to these regulations are posted in the Federal Register.Executive OrdersExecutive Order - Taking Additional Steps with Respect to the Situation in Syria13894 - Blocking Property and Suspending Entry of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Syria (October 14, 2019)StatutesInternational Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA), 50 U.S.C. §§ 1701-1706National Emergencies Act (NEA), 50 U.S.C.§§ 1601-1651Code of Federal Regulations31 CFR Part 569 - Syria-related Sanctions RegulationsFederal Register Notices88 FR 87715-23 - Publication of Syria-Related Sanctions Regulations Web General Licenses 1, 2, and 387 FR 78484-22 - Publication of Humanitarian Sanctions Regulations Amendment and General Licenses (Nongovernmental Organizations, Agricultural, and Medicine)87 FR 78470-22 - Publication of United States Government and International Organizations Official Business Sanctions Regulations Amendment and General Licenses85 FR 34510-20 - Syria-related Sanctions Regulations