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Counter Terrorism Designation; Issuance of Counter Terrorism General License; Sanctions Compliance Guidance for the Provision of Humanitarian-Related Assistance and Critical Commodities to the Yemeni People

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The U.S. Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) is issuing an OFAC Compliance Communiqué: Guidance for the Provision of Humanitarian-Related Assistance and Critical Commodities to the Yemeni People in response to questions from the NGO community and the general public on how to ensure humanitarian assistance and trade continue to flow to the Yemeni people while complying with OFAC sanctions.

OFAC is also issuing Counter Terrorism General License 28, "Authorizing Transactions for Third-Country Diplomatic and Consular Missions Involving Ansarallah."

Additionally, OFAC has updated its Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List:


The following entity has been added to OFAC's SDN List:

ANSARALLAH (a.k.a. ANSAR ALLAH; a.k.a. ANSARULLAH; a.k.a. "HOUTHI GROUP"; a.k.a. "PARTISANS OF GOD"; a.k.a. "SUPPORTERS OF GOD"), Yemen; Secondary sanctions risk: section 1(b) of Executive Order 13224, as amended by Executive Order 13886 [SDGT]. 

Unrelated Administrative List Updates:
