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The following individuals have been added to OFAC's SDN List: 

CALLEJAS VALCARCE, Oscar Alejandro, Goycuria #119, 10 Octubre, Havana, Cuba; DOB 19 Sep 1957; POB Havana, Cuba; nationality Cuba; Gender Male; Passport A006951 (Cuba) expires 18 Jul 2027; National ID No. 57091910348 (Cuba); Director, Policia Nacional Revolucionaria (individual) [GLOMAG] (Linked To: POLICIA NACIONAL REVOLUCIONARIA). 

SIERRA ARIAS, Eddy Manuel, Calle 206A, No. 2119B, Entre 21 y 23, Atabey, Playa, Havana, Cuba; DOB 03 Sep 1971; POB Holguin, Cuba; nationality Cuba; Gender Male; Passport A008237 (Cuba) expires 20 Apr 2027; National ID No. 71090325982 (Cuba); Deputy Director, Policia Nacional Revolucionaria (individual) [GLOMAG] (Linked To: POLICIA NACIONAL REVOLUCIONARIA).

The following entity has been added to OFAC's SDN List: 

POLICIA NACIONAL REVOLUCIONARIA, Manzana que ocupan las calles Cuba, Tacon y Chacon, La Habana Vieja, Havana, Cuba; Target Type Government Entity [GLOMAG] (Linked To: MINISTRY OF INTERIOR).