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Retirement of Independent Data Files for the FSE List, SSI List and the NS-PLC List and Migration to the Consolidated Sanctions List Data Files

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As of today, OFAC will no longer issue independent data files for the Foreign Sanctions Evaders (FSE) List, the Sectoral Sanctions Identifications (SSI) List and the Non-SDN Palestinian Legislative Council (NS-PLC) List.  These independent data files have been removed from OFAC’s website and File Transfer Protocol (FTP)  site. 

This is part of the consolidation effort of OFAC's non-Specially Designated Nationals Lists to reduce the number of list-related files that must be downloaded in order to maintain an automated sanctions screening program. The new Consolidated Sanctions List data files can be accessed on this page. In addition, the Consolidated Sanctions List data files are available on OFAC’s FTP site in a folder called, “consolidated_list.”  Please visit the Consolidated Sanctions List Specification file for the information about data file nomenclature, column headers and field widths. 

OFAC will continue to provide and update independent human readable (.pdf and .txt) versions of the FSE, SSI, NS-PLC, Non-SDN Iran Sanctions Act List, the Part 561 lists and their respective archive of changes files.  These file formats were not affected by the creation of the consolidated data files and will continue to be available.

The original announcement regarding the migration to the Consolidated non-SDN Sanctions List data files was made on October 10, 2014.