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Release of Additional File Formats for the Sectoral Sanctions Identifications (SSI) List

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Today, the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) is announcing the release of additional file formats for the Sectoral Sanctions Identifications (SSI) List. On July 16, 2014 OFAC published the SSI List in PDF and TXT formats. This is an administrative update to facilitate the public’s ability to comply with the SSI List. Additional names have not been added to the SSI List today.

The SSI List will be available in the same file formats as the SDN and FSE Lists. The layout of names on the SSI List will be identical to the layout of names on the SDN List. In addition, SSI List data files will follow existing SDN List data standards. SSI List files and data file specifications will be available on the SSI List page. OFAC recommends that users of these data files review the data file specifications before consuming these new products. The SSI List may also be accessed on OFAC’s ftp server (ofacftp.treas.gov) in the /ssi_list directory. There is no predetermined timetable for when the SSI List will be updated. Names and other information will be added and removed as necessary and appropriate. You may sign up for email notifications for updates to the Ukraine-related Sanctions and the SSI List. Updates to the SSI List will also be published on the recent actions page of OFAC’s website and on the office’s RSS feed.

For more information regarding sectoral sanctions, please see OFAC’s list of Frequently Asked Questions.