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SDGT Designations

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Specially Designated Nationals List Update

The following entities have been added to OFAC's SDN list:

AL MANAR TV, Al Manar TV, Abed al Nour Street, Haret Hriek, Beirut, Lebanon; PO Box 354/25, Beirut, Lebanon; info@manartv.com; www.manartv.com; www.almanar.com.lb [SDGT]

AL NOUR RADIO (a.k.a. AL NOUR BROADCASTING STATION; a.k.a. AL NUR RADIO; a.k.a. RADIO ANNOUR), Abed Al Nour Street, PO Box 197/25, Alghobeiri , Haret Hriek, Beirut, Lebanon; info@al-nour.net, www.al-nour.net [SDGT]

LEBANESE MEDIA GROUP (a.k.a. LEBANESE COMMUNICATION GROUP), Al Manar Building, Ahmad Kassir Street, Haret Hriek, Baabda, Lebanon; Abed Al Nour Street, Haret Hriek, PO Box 354/25, Beirut, Lebanon; Company ID: No. 59 531 at Commercial Registry of the Civil Court of First Instance at Baabda, Lebanon [SDGT]