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Non-Proliferation Designation; SDNT Designations Removals

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Specially Designated Nationals List Update

The following entities have been added to OFAC's SDN list:

MESBAH ENERGY COMPANY (a.k.a. "MEC"), 77 Armaghan Gharbi Street, Valiasr Blve, Tehran, Iran [NPWMD]

NOVIN ENERGY COMPANY (a.k.a. ENERGY NOVIN; a.k.a. NOVEEN ENERGY COMPANY), End of North Karegar Avenue, Tehran, Iran [NPWMD]

The following deletions have been made to OFAC's SDN list:

CARRASCO URQUIZO, Mario Jesus, c/o COLFARMA PERU S.A., Lima, Peru; D.N.I. 06266307 (Peru) (individual) [SDNT]

CHAPARRO GONZALEZ, Orlando, c/o CASA GRAJALES S.A., La Union, Valle, Colombia; c/o AGRONILO S.A., Toro, Valle, Colombia; c/o C.A.D. S.A., Bogota, Colombia; c/o FREXCO S.A., La Union, Valle, Colombia; c/o GAD S.A., La Union, Valle, Colombia; c/o HEBRON S.A., Tulua, Valle, Colombia; c/o HOTEL LOS VINEDOS, La Union, Valle, Colombia; DOB 2 Sep 1953; POB Bogota, Colombia; Cedula No. 79101651 (Colombia)
(individual) [SDNT]

PEREZ RINCON, Rene Alejandro, c/o INVERSIONES CAPITAL LTDA., Cali, Colombia; Cedula No. 16636377 (Colombia) (individual) [SDNT]