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Technical notice

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Dramatically shrinking the file sizes of OFAC's SDN list and making it easier to download, OFAC has removed appendices covering "[FRYK]," "[FRY S&M]," and "[SRBH]" entries from its publications. On January 17, 2001, President Clinton had issued Executive Order 13192 lifting with respect to future transactions remaining sanctions imposed on the Governments of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia & Montenegro) and the Republic of Serbia pursuant to Executive Order 13088, as amended by Executive Order 13121. (Sanctions imposed on the Government of the Republic of Montenegro had previously been suspended by OFAC general licenses). Because Executive Order 13192 requires all property blocked before January 19, 2001, to remain blocked due to the need to address possible claims and encumbrances involving the property, a separate, comprehensive list of "[FRYK]" entries will still be available upon special request from OFAC's Compliance Programs Division at (202) 622-2490. Similar lists will be available with respect to persons whose property and interests in property continue to be blocked pursuant to part 585 of 31 CFR chapter V ("[FRY S&M]" and "[SRBH]" entries).