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Update to various OFAC publications

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As previously mentioned, and made available on our web site, OFAC's regulations to implement the Trade Sanctions Reform and Export Enhancement Act of 2000 , Title IX of Public Law 106-387 (October 28, 2000), were published in Vol. 66 No. 134 of the Federal Register on July 12, 2001. They became effective on July 26, 2001. All of OFAC's informational material has been updated accordingly, including program brochures for Cuba , Libya , Iran , and Sudan , and industry overviews for Exporters & Importers and for the Financial Community .

In addition, OFAC has updated the legal portion of its web site to include the final rules for 31 CFR Part 540 (the Highly Enriched Uranium Agreement assets Control Regulations) and amendments to 31 CFR Part 535 PDF icon (the Iranian assets Control Regulations), which were published in Vol. 66 No. 143 of the Federal Register on July 25, 2001.