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Update to authorized Travel Service Providers

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OFAC has updated its list of authorized service providersunder the Cuban assets Control Regulations.

The Federal Register has published OFAC regulations to implement the Trade Sanctions Reform and Export Enhancement Act of 2000, Title IX of Public Law 106-387 (October 28, 2000). They amend the licensing provisions of the Cuban assets Control Regulations, the Sudanese Sanctions Regulations, the Libyan Sanctions Regulations, and the Iranian Transactions Regulations, 31 CFR parts 515, 538, 550, and 560, respectively, as they relate to the exportation and reexportation from the U.S. or by U.S. persons of agricultural commodities, medicine, and medical devices to Cuba, Sudan, Libya, and Iran. They also amend the Cuban assets Control Regulations with respect to Cuba travel-related transactions. Since the new regulations are not effective until 14 days after publication, OFAC's program brochures and industry overviews will not be changed until that time. A link has been provided on OFAC's site to companion regulations being simultaneously published by the Commerce Department.