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The President has identified the following seven foreign persons as significant foreign narcotics traffickers under the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act. They have been incorporated into OFAC's SDN list as [SDNTK]s:

DA COSTA, Luis Fernando (a.k.a. BEIRA-MAR, Fernandinho); DOB 4 Jul 1967; POB Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (individual) [SDNTK]

GONZALEZ QUIRARTE, Eduardo (a.k.a. GONZALEZ QUIRARTE, Lalo; a.k.a. GONZALES QUIRARTE, Jose; a.k.a. GONZALEZ LOPEZ, Gregorio; a.k.a. ORELLANA ERAZO, Hector Manuel; a.k.a. GOMEZ CHAVEZ, Gabriel); DOB 28 Aug 1962; alt DOB 20 Aug 1962; POB Jalisco, Mexico; Passport No. 96140045817 (Mexico), Passport No. 97380018185 (Mexico); SSN 550-63-9593 (U.S.A.) (individual) [SDNTK]

IBRAHIM, Haji (a.k.a. KHAN AFRIDI, Haji Ibrahim; a.k.a. KHAN, Haji Ibrahim; a.k.a. IBRAHIM, Haji Ehai); DOB 28 Sep 1957; POB Pakistan (individual) [SDNTK]

KNOWLES, Samuel (a.k.a. KNOWLES JR., Samuel); DOB 28 May 1959; POB Bahamas (individual) [SDNTK]

TUITO, Oded (a.k.a. TVITO, Oded; a.k.a. TUITO, Daniel; TVITO, Daniel; a.k.a. TUITO, David; a.k.a. MAMO, Eliyahu; a.k.a. REVIVO, Simon); DOB 27 Dec 1959; alt DOB 29 Nov 1959; alt DOB 27 Feb 1959; alt DOB 12 Dec 1959; alt DOB 25 Jul 1961; POB Israel (individual) [SDNTK]

VILLANUEVA MADRID, Mario Ernesto; DOB 2 Jul 1949; POB Quintana Roo, Mexico (individual) [SDNTK]

ZAMBADA GARCIA, Ismael (a.k.a. ZAMBADA, El Mayo; a.k.a. ZAMBADA GARCIA, Ismael Mario; a.k.a. LOAIZA AVENDANO, Jesus; a.k.a. GARCIA HERNANDEZ, Javier; a.k.a. HIGUERA RENTERIA, Ismael); DOB 1 Jan 1948; POB Sinaloa, Mexico (individual) [SDNTK]

In addition, the following entry has been removed from OFAC's SDN list:

AGUDELO GALVEZ, Lieride, c/o INVERSIONES GEMINIS S.A., Cali, Colombia; Cedula No. 6511576 (Colombia) (individual) [SDNT]

The following entry has been changed:

ABBAS, Kassim, Italy (individual) [IRAQ] -to- ABBAS, Kassim, Lerchesbergring, 23A, D-60598 Frankfurt, Germany; DOB 7 Aug 1956; POB Baghdad, Iraq (individual) [IRAQ]

All of OFAC's informational material has been revised accordingly, including OFAC's Narcotics brochure, and fixed-field and delimited versions of OFAC's SDN list. References to the changes are also included in OFAC's SDNEW02 file (including each "a.k.a." listed as a separate entry) and by clicking on the SDN changes link on OFAC's website.

In addition, OFAC has updated the legal portion of its website to include interim rules for 31 CFR Part 588 (the Western Balkans Transactions Regulations), which were published in Vol. 67 No. 104 of the Federal Register on May 30, 2002. The regulations allow for written comments which must be received no later than 30 days after the dates of publication. Comments may be submitted either via regular mail to the attention of Chief, Policy Planning and Program Management Division, Room 2176 Main Treasury Annex, 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20220 or electronically via OFAC's website. OFAC is unable to consider in the development of final regulations public comments accompanied by a request that a part or all of the material be treated confidentially. All public comments will become a matter of public record and will be made available on OFAC's website not earlier than sixty days after the date of publication of the interim regulations.