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Welcome to OFAC's new website!

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Recent Actions Body

Welcome to OFAC’s new website now hosted at ofac.treasury.gov! 

In addition to migrating our site to a new domain, we’ve developed several new functionalities to aid you in finding sanctions content on our site. 

Some of these capabilities are:

  • New streamlined landing page.

OFAC’s website has a lot of content to visit, and it can be hard to figure out where to start.  OFAC’s new landing page was designed based on analyses of user traffic coming to our site.  The most visited content is now displayed more prominently on the landing page.  Likewise, sanctions issues that members of the public most often need assistance with are displayed in the “I need help with…” section at the bottom of the page.  

Image of OFAC home page as of April 3, 2023
  • Enhanced Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Search.

OFAC has hundreds of FAQs that provide detailed guidance on specific issues.  Given the sheer volume of guidance in this section of the site, it can be difficult at times to find the content that you are looking for.  The new FAQ search capability helps to avoid this by allowing a user to find the FAQ content they need via keywords or by exact phrases from within the question or the body of the FAQ.  If you are familiar with our FAQs already, you can search by specific FAQ number.

Image of the frequently asked questions (FAQ) search interface
  • Sanctions Program Filter.

OFAC has a growing list of sanctions programs, some of which have very similar sounding names.  If you’re new to the world of sanctions or have not visited the OFAC website for a while, navigating our different programs and authorities can be challenging.  Therefore, OFAC has added a filter to the sanctions program page in an effort to make it easier for users to find and browse the content they need.  

Image of the filter by sanctions program interface
  • Recent Actions Information Embedded in Each Sanctions Page.

OFAC’s sanctions programs change often and keeping up with these changes can be difficult.  OFAC will help you keep track of the latest program changes, by embedding a dynamic list of recent actions within each program page.  Each program page will now have the most recent three alerts displayed in a notice box on the right side of the document.

Image of Recent Actions navigation on sanctions pages
  • New “mega menu” interface, offering simple, intuitive, and responsive functionality. 

Different users want different experiences when it comes to browsing a website.  OFAC’s new mega menu allows users to navigate to key parts of the site via dropdown menus.   Unlike the more traditional methods of navigating the OFAC site, the mega menu persists on all OFAC pages.


  • Critical content will not change domains. 

While OFAC is working to introduce innovations on its new website, we understand that sudden changes to our content may have negative effects on sanctions compliance and list screening programs.  All OFAC list data will remain in its current location off of this URL:


This announcement summarizes just a few of the improvements OFAC has made to its site now that all content is hosted on its new website domain.  OFAC plans to make continued improvements to its site in the months and years ahead.  In order to accomplish this, OFAC requests your feedback on the new website and its features.  If you have suggestions as to what we can do better on our website, please contact OFAC and let us know what you think.