27 … This is primarily a question for your regulator. What constitutes an adequate compliance program depends in large part on who your customers are and what kinds of business you do. Certain areas of bank operations, such as international wire transfers and trade finance, are at a higher risk… Read more
28 … The frequency of running an OFAC scan must be guided by your organization's internal policies and procedures. Keep in mind, however, that if your organization fails to identify and block a target account (of a terrorist, for example), there could be serious consequences such as a transfer of… Read more
29 … There is no prepackaged compliance program that fits the needs of every bank. Banks, obviously, range in size from small to some of the largest institutions in the world. A good starting point is to go to the OFAC website and look under " Regulations by Industry ." Then read the brochure for… Read more
30 … The following information will provide you with areas to consider as you review your OFAC procedures . … How do I know if my compliance program is adequate? …
31 … There are a wide variety of software packages available to the financial community. The size and needs of each institution help to determine what to look for in a package. Some packages are used to interdict sanctioned countries and names on the Specially Designated Nationals or other… Read more
32 … Once it has been determined that funds need to be blocked, they must be placed into an interest-bearing account on your books from which only OFAC-authorized debits may be made. The blocking also must be reported to OFAC Compliance within 10 business days. Some banks have opted to open… Read more
33 … OFAC regulations require that funds earn interest at a commercially reasonable rate, i.e., at a rate currently offered to other depositors on deposits or instruments of comparable size and maturity. … How much interest do I have to pay on the blocked …
34 … Generally yes. In most cases (excluding Iraq, for instance) OFAC regulations contain provisions to allow a bank to debit blocked accounts for normal service charges, which are described in each set of regulations. The charges must be in accordance with a published rate schedule for the type of… Read more
35 … No. OFAC regulations are tailored to further the requirements and purposes of specific Executive Orders or statutes which provide the basic outline of each program. In some cases, the President has determined that a comprehensive asset freeze is appropriate, and in others the President has… Read more
36 … In some cases, an underlying transaction may be prohibited, but there is no blockable interest (i.e., that of a Specially Designated National (SDN) or blocked person or government) in the transaction. In these cases, the transaction is simply rejected, or not processed and returned to the… Read more