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926. What activities are authorized pursuant to Ethiopia General License (GL) 2, “Certain Transactions in Support of Nongovernmental Organizations’ Activities”? 


Ethiopia GL 2 authorizes certain transactions and activities involving nongovernmental organizations’ (NGOs) activities in Ethiopia or Eritrea, including:  activities to support humanitarian projects and to meet basic human needs (such as, among other examples provided in GL 2, shelter and settlements assistance, water, sanitation, hygiene activities, and COVID-19 related assistance); activities to support democracy building (such as, among other examples provided in GL 2, activities to support conflict mitigation); activities to support education; activities to support non-commercial development projects directly benefiting the people of Ethiopia or Eritrea, including those related to health, food security, water and sanitation; and activities to support environmental and natural resource protection.  Please see GL 2 for details.

Date Released
September 17, 2021