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898. What is the effect of Executive Order (E.O.) of June 3, 2021, “Addressing the Threat from Securities Investments that Finance Certain Companies of the People's Republic of China”?


E.O. of June 3, 2021 amends E.O. 13959 by replacing Sections 1 through 5 of E.O. 13959, as amended, and revokes E.O. 13974.  In particular, E.O. of June 3, 2021 amends E.O. 13959 to prohibit the purchase or sale by U.S. persons of any publicly traded securities, or any publicly traded securities that are derivative of such securities or are designed to provide investment exposure to such securities, of any person listed in the Annex to E.O. 13959, as amended by E.O. of June 3, 2021, or of any person determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State, and, as appropriate, the Secretary of Defense:

  • (i) to operate or have operated in the defense and related materiel sector or the surveillance technology sector of the economy of the People’s Republic of China; or
  • (ii) to own or control, or to be owned or controlled by, directly or indirectly, a person who operates or has operated in any sector described in clause (i) above, or a person who is listed in the Annex to E.O. 13959, as amended by E.O. of June 3, 2021, or who has otherwise been determined to be subject to the prohibitions in Section 1(a) of E.O. 13959, as amended by E.O. of June 3, 2021.

To implement E.O. of June 3, 2021, OFAC has published a list on its website containing the names of entities identified in or pursuant to E.O. 13959, as amended by E.O. of June 3, 2021, titled the Non-SDN Chinese Military-Industrial Complex Companies List (the “NS-CMIC List”).  In addition, OFAC is removing and replacing all previously issued Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) related to E.O. 13959, as amended.  OFAC will refer to E.O. 13959 as amended by E.O. of June 3, 2021 as “E.O. 13959, as amended.”

Date Released
June 3, 2021