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761. Can U.S. trade delegations travel to Cuba?


Trade delegations are authorized to travel to Cuba only if each member of the delegation meets the criteria of an applicable general license authorizing travel to Cuba or has obtained a specific license from OFAC. Authorized trade delegations generally fall under one of two general licenses for travel authorization: either (1) 31 CFR § 515.533(c)(1), which authorizes travel-related and other transactions incident to the exportation of certain authorized goods from the U.S. to Cuba, specifically the conduct of “market research, commercial marketing, sales or contract negotiation, accompanied delivery, installation, leasing, servicing, or repair in Cuba of items consistent with the export or reexport licensing policy of the Commerce Department,” or (2) 31 CFR § 515.564(a), which authorizes transactions related to professional research in Cuba. Further, please note that, effective September 24, 2020, OFAC has amended both general licenses to exclude from the authorizations lodging, paying for lodging, or making any reservation for or on behalf of a third party to lodge, at any property in Cuba on the Cuba Prohibited Accommodations List to the extent prohibited by § 515.210. For a complete description of the scope of this prohibition, see 31 CFR § 515.210. For a complete description of what these general licenses authorize and the restrictions that apply, see 31 CFR §§ 515.533(c)(1) and 515.564(a)

Date Released
September 23, 2020