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735. What are examples of direct financial transactions with an entity or subentity on the State Department’s Cuba Restricted List prohibited by 31 CFR § 515.209?   


A person subject to U.S. jurisdiction traveling to Cuba to engage in an authorized family visit pursuant to 31 CFR § 515.561 is prohibited from engaging in direct financial transactions with the entities and subentities on the State Department’s Cuba Restricted List. As such, this traveler would not be authorized to book a hotel room directly with a hotel included on the Cuba Restricted List.  

An individual working for a church subject to U.S. jurisdiction interested in establishing a physical presence in Cuba pursuant to 31 CFR § 515.573(d)(3) is prohibited from engaging in direct financial transactions with the entities and subentities on  the State Department’s Cuba Restricted List. As such, this traveler would not be able to sign a new contract directly with a real estate company on the Cuba Restricted List to rent a location for the church’s physical presence.

Date Released
September 23, 2020