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602. Why does E.O. 13846 revoke E.O. 13716 and E.O. 13628?


To provide clarity and consolidate relevant authorities into a single document, E.O. 13846 revokes E.O.s 13716 and 13628, and continues in effect relevant provisions from those two revoked E.O.s. See FAQ 597 and FAQ 598.

Provisions of E.O. 13846 that carry forward relevant provisions of E.O.s 13628 and 13716 include:

• Section 7, which consolidates into a single section designation authorities targeting corruption or other activities relating to the diversion of goods intended for the people of Iran, the transfer of goods or technologies to Iran that are likely to be used by the Government of Iran or any of its agencies or instrumentalities to commit serious human rights abuses against the people of Iran or the provision of certain services with respect to such goods or technologies, and persons engaged censorship in Iran (these provisions previously appeared in sections 2 and 3 of E.O. 13628 and section 8 of E.O. 13645, which was carried forward by subsection 3(c) of E.O. 13716), and

• Section 8 extends certain prohibitions applicable to U.S. persons under OFAC-administered Iran sanctions to U.S.-owned or -controlled foreign entities and provides for civil penalties on the U.S. parent for any violations of such prohibitions to the same extent that they would apply to a U.S. person for the same conduct, consistent with section 218 of the TRA (this provision was formerly contained in section 4 of E.O. 13628).

Date Released
August 6, 2018