163 | Office of Foreign Assets Control
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163. What are the differences and similarities between E.O. 13599 and the Iranian Transactions Regulations (ITR)?


The ITR prohibit prohibit virtually all direct or indirect transactions involving Iran or the Government of Iran by U.S. persons or with a nexus to the United States, unless otherwise authorized by OFAC or exempted by statute, but they do not contain blocking provisions. E.O. 13599 requires U.S. persons to block all property and interests in property of the Government of Iran, including the Central Bank of Iran, and of Iranian financial institutions, which also includes the Central Bank of Iran, unless it relates to a transaction that is exempted by statute or authorized by OFAC.

To illustrate the difference between how a transaction would be treated under the ITR and the new E.O., imagine a commercial wire transfer being processed through the U.S. financial system by order of a third-country, non-U.S. company for credit to a third-country financial institution in favor of a correspondent account it maintains for an Iranian financial institution. The transaction is not exempt or authorized by a general or specific license, and the Iranian bank is not blocked pursuant to the GTSR or the WMDPSR. Previously, under the ITR, any U.S. financial institution handling the transaction would have needed to reject the payment because allowing it to be processed would constitute a prohibited exportation of services to Iran. With the new E.O. in place, the U.S. financial institution would be required to block (“freeze”) that transaction.

Date Released
February 6, 2012