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1167. How does Venezuela General License (GL) 45B differ from Venezuela GL 45A?


On February 29, 2024, OFAC issued Venezuela GL 45B, “Authorizing Certain Repatriation Transactions Involving Consorcio Venezolano de Industrias Aeronáuticas y Servicios Aéreos, S.A.,” which narrowed the scope of transactions previously authorized by GL 45A.  GL 45B no longer authorizes transactions ordinarily incident and necessary to non-commercial flights (i.e., not-for-profit flights that are not intended to generate a profit for Conviasa) between non-U.S. jurisdictions in the Western Hemisphere and Venezuela that are not exclusively for the purposes of repatriation. In addition, OFAC is removing the Annex and authorization related to the general maintenance (including repair) of aircraft previously listed in it, limiting the authorization for general maintenance to the aircraft being used for repatriation flights.

Date Released
March 1, 2024