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1123. In Crystallex Int’l Corp. v. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, 17-mc-00151 (D. Del.), the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware has entered a Sale Procedures Order with respect to certain shares in PDV Holding (PDVH) to satisfy a U.S. district court judgment confirming an arbitral award against Venezuela.  May persons participate in or comply with steps relating to a judicial sale of such shares?


OFAC will not take enforcement action against any individuals or entities for participating in, facilitating, or complying with the prefatory steps set out in the court’s Sale Procedures Order, or for engaging in transactions that are ordinarily incident and necessary to participating in, facilitating, or complying with such steps (such as serving as potential or actual credit counterparties).  See also General License 42 and OFAC Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) 1125.  As recognized by the judge in the Crystallex case, an additional license will be required before any sale is executed.  As is standard for OFAC’s process before providing a license for the disposition of blocked property, the United States Government will engage in due diligence about the identity of a potential purchaser and will consider relevant details of the proposed transaction.  Before a potential purchaser has been identified, it would be premature to issue any such license or express a definitive view on the issuance of a specific license in a future scenario.  OFAC nevertheless intends to implement a favorable licensing policy toward such license applications in connection with the execution of a sale as contemplated in the Sale Procedures Order.  As with all OFAC licenses and statements of licensing policy, this licensing policy would be without prejudice to reconsideration if U.S. foreign policy and national security interests materially change.  In making these licensing determinations, OFAC is committed to fair and equivalent treatment of potential creditors.

This non-enforcement posture applies to OFAC sanctions only and does not relieve persons of obligations to comply with any other applicable regulatory requirements, reviews, or approvals that may be necessary to finalize any sale.  

Date Released
May 1, 2023