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Sanctions List Service

OFAC's Sanctions List Service (SLS) provides users with easy access to the most up-to-date Sanctions Lists and Sanctions list data ready for immediate download. Users can choose to download from either the Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) List or the Consolidated (non-SDNs) List.

OFAC's SLS also contains a new feature: the Customize Sanctions Dataset tool, allowing for users to create custom datasets based upon their selection of certain Sanctions lists and/ or Sanctions programs. Additionally, SLS now includes OFAC's Sanctions List Search application. This application is designed to facilitate the use of the Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons list ("SDN List") and other Non-SDN lists administered by OFAC.

The below cards can be used to access different parts of the Sanctions List Service (SLS) application.


  • Specially Designated Nationals List

    sls sdn list image

    Published by OFAC, the SDN list contains the names of individuals, entities and groups designated by OFAC as well as the listing of maritime vessels and aircraft that are blocked by OFAC.

  • Non-SDN Consolidated Sanctions List

    sls non-sdn list image

    To make it easier to comply with OFAC's sanctions regulations, all non-SDN sanctions lists are consolidated in a set of separate data files. These consolidated files comply with all of OFAC's existing data standards.

  • Customized Dataset

    sls custom dataset image

    Download a customized dataset by setting parameters to include selected sanctions lists and/or programs of your choice.

  • Archived Published Delta Files

    sls archives image

    Browse archive of published delta files by year.


In addition to its list of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons, OFAC maintains other sanctions lists. Please visit the Other OFAC Sanctions Lists page for more information about each list.


OFAC's Sanctions List Search tool employs fuzzy logic on its name search field to look for potential matches on the Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) List and on its Non-SDN Consolidated Sanctions List.








Information about OFAC's File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Server