Does OFAC have an email service that will notify me when there are updates to any of its sanctions lists?
Yes. OFAC has multiple e-mail subscription services available. Please visit the following link to sign up for these services:
Date Updated: November 22, 2024
Check to see if the messages are in your SPAM folder. Mostly likely, it is your SPAM filter or your network configuration that is preventing you from receiving the OFAC broadcast messages. If you believe that may be the case, please discuss the matter with your IT department or network administrator. You may need to have your IT personnel allow e-mails from the following domain to come through the SPAM filter, ";" in some cases allowing the domain, “” through the filter will also work. If you believe that you have been removed from the subscription list in error you may contact OFAC at or re subscribe to our email services.
I recently attempted to subscribe to one of OFAC’s e-mail list services and I have not yet received my confirmation e-mail. Why is this?
Failure to receive a confirmation e-mail is typically (though not always) the result of a configuration problem on the user’s end. The user should follow these steps to ensure that he or she is using the system properly.