1146 … E.O. 14114 amends E.O. 14024 and E.O. 14068 to further address the Russian Federation’s continued use of its military-industrial base to aid its effort to undermine security in countries and regions important to United States national security and to further counteract the Russian Federation… Read more
1147 … E.O. 14114 amends E.O. 14024 to authorize the imposition of sanctions on foreign financial institutions (FFIs) that have engaged in certain transactions involving Russia’s military-industrial base, including all persons whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to E.O.… Read more
1148 … FFIs may be sanctioned for engaging in certain transactions, or providing any service, involving Russia’s military-industrial base. For example, FFIs may be sanctioned for conducting any significant transaction(s) for any person that has been blocked pursuant to E.O. 14024. FFIs may also… Read more
1149 … Pursuant to subsection 11(b) of E.O. 14024 , as amended, OFAC may block FFIs or prohibit the opening or prohibit or impose strict conditions on the maintenance of correspondent accounts or payable-through accounts in the United States for such FFIs. For FFIs for which the opening or… Read more
1150 … The Russia Critical Items Determination issued pursuant to subsection 11(a)(ii) of E.O. 14024 identifies certain items that support Russia’s military-industrial base. Foreign financial institutions (FFIs) may be sanctioned for having conducted or facilitated any significant transaction or… Read more
1151 … OFAC expects to promulgate regulations that define or interpret these terms as follows: Foreign Financial Institution: As defined in subsection 11(f) of E.O. 14024 , foreign financial institution means any foreign entity that is engaged in the business of accepting deposits, making, granting… Read more
1152 … Yes. The prohibitions and targeting authorities of amended section 11 of E.O. 14024 apply with respect to any currency. For example, an FFI that processes a significant transaction denominated in a non-USD local currency for a person blocked pursuant to E.O. 14024 or an FFI that processes… Read more
1154 … E.O. 14114 of December 22, 2023 amends E.O. 14068 to provide for additional prohibitions on the importation and entry into the United States of certain products. It does so by maintaining the existing E.O. 14068 importation prohibitions in subsection 1(a)(i)(A) and identifying in… Read more
1155 … The Seafood Determination issued pursuant to subsection 1(a)(i)(B) of E.O. 14068 , as amended, prohibits the importation and entry into the United States, including importation for admission into a foreign trade zone located in the United States, of salmon, cod, pollock, or crab that was… Read more
1156 … Individuals and entities may import the listed types of seafood, for a limited time, into the United States subject to the conditions of General License (GL) 83 . GL 83 authorizes the importation into the United States, through 12:01 a.m. eastern standard time, February 21, 2024, of salmon… Read more